Basketball statistics for regional leagues

The purpose of this site is to record game history in regional basketball leagues around Tampere Finland. Storing game records is meant to bring a little added value for players in this hobby. The site allows players to document and track their own performance, track game statistics for their own teams, and track game statistics for other teams.

The system was born in 2006 from the need of one club (Morbid Basket, Tampere) to provide a modern statistics service to its players playing in the regional leagues. However, the system was extended soon to include other clubs as well as there was a clear demand for it. Today, the system covers statistics extensively at several different series levels. The basic premise of the design was to create a system in which all kinds of information about the game could be collected. In regional leagues, organizers do not usually collect any form of advanced statistics other than official game scorekeeping. However, this is already good enough for calculating point averages for the players.

Comments and suggestions for improvements to the site are always welcomed!

Sign up to see more statistics

By registering in the system, you can publish your own player card with a variety of statistics calculated from the games already stored in the system. After you have registered, you will also be able to insert the records of the game from games of your club or team, or just the point makers, and this way you will be able to accumulate your own game history.

Match information

The site tracks the game results from a few basketball series, in addition to which users of the site often insert the game records within a few days after the game is played. If no game records are available, only points per player can be also inserted into the system. The site works closely with e.g. the Tampereen Koripallon Kortteliliiga by documenting all games in the league.

If you want the site to follow a new series, please contact the site administration. If you notice any errors in the information presented on this site, you can contact the site administration, we will try to keep the information correct.

Saved information

The statistics system records the players of the games when the game records or the points per player in a game are entered into the system. The following information is stored for each player: last name, first name, jersey number, and team information. In addition, players registered in the system can add more detailed information to their profile (year of birth, profile picture, height, junior club, and playing position). Only the last name and first letter of the first name of the players will appear in the game data for unregistered users of the site. If you do not want your information to appear in the system, please contact the site administrator and your data will be anonymized in the system.

Site administration

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T. Heittola
Webmaster and development of the statistics system

Site in numbers

Seasons 30
League organization 3
Leagues 137
League stages 173
League stage teams 1636
Games 11767
Clubs 285
Teams 235
Arenas 200